
Due to the overwhelming response to our house for sale, we are trying to keep it organized as best we can. Ravi and I will respond on first come first serve basis and start returning calls on tuesday 8/9/16 at 10am. Most likley we will be taking highest and best offers. We will also be posting full pictures including inspection report at this time. Thank you and hopefully you understand that we have gotten over 5000 texts alone in 3 days and have no idea how to handle it any other way. Please fill out form and we will put you in the cue:) Merci! Please Include your Number in the form or we will not be able to call you back!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Un Believable Response So we have to Take this approach. It Just makes sense.

Due to the overwhelming response to our house for sale, we are trying to keep it organized as best we can. Ravi and I will respond on first come first serve basis and start returning calls on tuesday 8/9/16 at 10am. Most likley we will be taking highest and best offers. We will also be posting full pictures including inspection report at this time. Thank you and hopefully you understand that we have gotten over 5000 texts alone in 3 days and have no idea how to handle it any other way. Please fill out form and we will put you in the cue:) Merci! Please Include your Number in the form or we will not be able to call you back! 


  1. What form are you talking about?

  2. What form are you talking about?

  3. Yes what form? Can you email it to tcom77@gmail.com so I can send you my phone number please? Thanks!

  4. The house will finally be ready to open tomorrow monday 9-12-16. I will be there from 1-3. Call or text me direclty if you have questions. 3498528

  5. Sold? Approximate cost to move 20 miles? George Forest 337-322-1797
